The Government has established, on Friday, through an emergency ordinance, the National Regulatory Authority for Mining, Petroleum and Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide (ANRMPSG), a specialized body of the central public administration, with legal personality, fully financed from its own revenues, subordinated to the Government and coordinated by the Prime Minister, through the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, through the reorganization by transformation of the National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANRM), which is being abolished. ANRMPSG will have several general objectives, among which the development and systematization of the National Geological Fund and National Resources and Reserves Fund; exploitation and rational development of mineral resources reserves and oil reserves, in accordance with the strategies in the domain and the reduction of the impact on environment. Similarly, the identification of new uses of the national transport systems for oil and the development of the mining voids. It will also aim to promote a secure, competitive and environmentally sustainable European internal market for the exploitation of mineral resources, oil and gas and its effective opening for the benefit of all customers and suppliers in the European Union, and to ensure adequate conditions for sustainable exploitation, taking into account long-term objectives, in line with the provisions of the relevant European Union directives. ANRMPSG manages the oil resources, mineral resources and the national geological fund, which are public property of the State, as defined by the Law on Petroleum No 238/2004, as amended and supplemented, and by the Law on Mining No 85/2003, as amended and supplemented. The tasks also include the elaboration and promotion of draft normative acts, norms, instructions and procedures, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the geological storage of carbon dioxide. The legal regime for exploitation licenses is also completed.