The tourist phenomenon in the Danube Delta recorded in the first 8 months of the year reached the level of 2019, for the number of Romanian visitors, said Catalin Tibuleac, the president of the Danube Delta Tourist Management Association (AMDTDD). The lack of foreign tourists in the reservation led to the drop by 8.8% of the phenomenon recorded in the mentioned period compared to the same interval of 2019. “Compared to 2019, we have a plus of 10% Romanian tourists, but a deficit of 8.8% for foreign tourists, over January-August. Unfortunately, we will have this loss of foreign tourists, although we recovered somehow compared to June, when we had a drop of 11.3%. However I think we will have an obvious increase of the number of Romanian tourists compared to 2019 at the end of the year, but on the overall we will have a 7% drop caused by the shortage of foreign tourists,” the president of AMDTDD said. Catalin Tibuleac explained the increase of the number of Romanian tourists by granting bonuses to people who came to the Delta for the first time. “The quality of services offered by pensions and restaurants in the Delta increased, prices remained relatively similar with those of 2019 and the degree of sanitary safety also grew,” Tibuleac added. In his turn, Dan Verbina, the owner of a pension in Crisan commune, declared that, compared to last year, tourism recorded a slight drop, but compared to 2019, the number of visitors was “a little higher”. “Tourism was a little worse than in 2020, but satisfying compared to previous years. Against 2019 it was a little better. This year, we had families with many children. It is interesting that parents are trying to teach children to love the Delta and this is the main characteristic this year. It was a year with longer stays than in past years. People no longer want to see the Delta rapidly,” Verbina mentioned.