Over half (57%) of the buyers of clothes, footwear and accessories bought them in September from physical shops, according to study published on Thursday by MKOR Consulting.According to Fashion Consumer Trends Live, in September, only 2 out of 10 consumers (21%) chose to buy such articles exclusively on online, and another 22% of the consumers bought clothes, footwear and accessories, both in shops and online.Out of those who bought these articles in the shops, 48% acquired from specialised shops in the malls.On the other hand, 71% of the buyers acquired clothes, and 41% bought footwear. Out of the buyers of footwear, 30% acquired online.The average of the purchases basket is higher online (314 lei/acquisition) as compared to the budget spent in physical shops (282 lei/acquisition).As regards the brands or shops chosen, the ranking of the acquisitions of clothes is led by H&M and that of footwear is led by Deichmann.The creator of MKOR Consulting, Corina Cimpoca said that the Romanians continue to prefer shopping in shops, despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemics. ‘We notice a preference of the Romanians to buy offline, despite the restrictions imposed by the pandemics. We will continue to follow the changes on the market and the next months, to see the way the increasing number of Covid-19 cases changes the purchasing behavior. On the other hand, this is why we started the first study in real time in Romania: to offer an instrument for strategic decisions, which could reflect the changes on the market, while they are taking place’ said the representative of the market research company.The study Consumer Trends Live is made monthly on nationally representative samples, criteria of gender, age and region, of a minimum 400 interviewees.The study monitors seven different sectors, from the beginning of 2021: Fashion, Beauty &Care, Jewels & Watches, IT&C, Electronics & House Appliances, and Furniture & Decorations, DIY.