December, period of winter holidays, brings to the shops online sales 28% higher than in the annual monthly average, according to a study made by a platform SaaS based on Artificial Intelligence (AI)."The Christmas holidays are a new peak shopping period in eCommerce. And this time, we looked at a representative sample of online stores, and the measurements show an overall sales increase of 28%. What we see differently from Black Friday, another peak period we just passed, is a greater focus on furniture, equipment and accessories, and a reduction in growth for a key Black Friday area, the electronics category," says Vlad Marincas, CEO and co-founder of Aqurate. The top 7 online sales growth categories in December were: furniture (+58.8%), equipment and accessories (+53.4%), children and baby products (+50.9%), books and multimedia (+48.8%), arts and entertainment (+27.8%), food, beverages and tobacco (+27.6%) and electronics (+23.5%). According to the press release of the company, Aqurate helps with the collection of data with which the users of online shops interact, and the introduction of the data in the browser of products recommendation. The AI solution is based on the analysis and interpretation of huge volumes of data regarding the behavior of the clients – products bought, clicks, products in the basket and others. This compares the similar actions of different users and estimate, through AI, what would be interesting for each user.Aqurate Personalize increases income from Commerce by 23% through product recommendations AI generated, personalised to each visitor of the sites. The service increases both the conversion rate from eCommerce and the average value of the order.In the first month of the year, Aqurate announced that they surpassed 1,600,000 orders processed through online shops which use its AI product recommendation algorithm.