Import gas supplies to Romania via Ukraine are running normally and in the event of disruptions, the gas flow can be easily redirected through other entry points, Ion Sterian, CEO of national gas transmission company Transgaz said on Thursday."There are no problems with imports through Ukraine. We have prepared for all possible scenarios and will cope with any situation. Romania's gas supply will not be affected," Sterian said.Romania currently imports 5.3 million cubic meters of gas per day through Ukraine, and its national consumption is about 40 million cubic meters per day."Even if gas imports from Ukraine are cut off, the flows can be easily redirected through the Negru Voda entry point and other points. There is no problem with that. We are lucky that Transgaz has made its investments on time. At this moment the BRUA pipeline is operating at full capacity and all the stations we have built are also working at maximum capacity, in reverse flow mode," said Sterian.Other gas import pipelines to Romania are those from Giurgiu-Ruse (Bulgaria) and Arad-Szeged (Hungary).