? Relative stability of activity in manufacturing, retail trade and services ? Relative stability in the number of employees in manufacturing and services ? Robust price growth in construction and retail trade Manufacturing According to the business tendency survey of December 2021, managers from the manufacturing industry forecast a relative stability of the production volume for the next three months (balance -4%). The biggest growth will be registered for the manufacturing of coke and refined petroleum products (balance +81%). Regarding the number of employees, a relative stability is estimated, the balance being 0% per total manufacturing. For the prices of industrial products, a growth is forecasted for the next three months (balance +35%). Construction According to December 2021 estimations, there will be a decrease in the production volume of the construction activity for the next three months (balance -20%). Managers forecast a moderate decrease in the number of employees (balance -11%). As to the prices of construction works, a robust growth is forecasted (balance +42%). Retail trade In the retail trade sector, managers estimate a relative stability trend in the economic activity for the next three months (balance -2%). The volume of orders placed by the trade units to the suppliers of goods will register a relative stability (balance -5%). Employers forecast a moderate growth in the number of employees for the next three months (balance +7%). Managers of trade companies estimate a robust growth of the retail prices (balance +42%). Services According to December 2021 estimations, the demand for services (turnover) will register a relative stability for the next three months (balance 0%). For the services sector, a relative stability is also estimated in the number of employees (balance -1%). According to the managers, the selling or invoice prices of services will grow (balance +19%).