The Ministry of National Defense (MApN) informed that two F-16 aircraft monitored the situation in eastern Tulcea county, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, in the context of drone attacks carried out by Russian forces on some targets in Ukraine, near the border with Romania."The Ministry of National Defense has strengthened the monitoring and surveillance measures of the national airspace with the forces and means in the Air Police Combat Service. At 2:19, two F-16 aircraft of the Romanian Air Force took off from Borcea Air Base 86 for monitoring the air situation. The two aircraft returned to the base around 4:20 a.m.," stated MApN, in a press release sent to AGERPRES.The National Military Command Center (core) notified the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations regarding the establishment of measures to alert the population of Tulcea county.At the same time, MApN ordered measures to carry out investigations in the field in the vicinity of the Plauru locality, for the search of possible objects fallen on the national territory, searches that will continue during this day.