What does the new brand name – Garanti BBVA, mean for your business in Romania and for your clients here? During our more than 20 years of activity in Romania, we have developed a long-term relationship with Retail, SME and Corporate clients. We know the market, the challenges and the opportunities that it offers. We will continue to be active and in cater our clients` financial future. Our strategy is now built around the Garanti and BBVA values: Customers Come First, Thinking Big and We are ONE Team. This way, we reinforce our position on the local market as a valuable, experienced, innovative, and human-centric financial institution. We will not change our strategy here and our clients from all market segments will continue benefiting from simple, competitive and personalized products and services. We permanently aim to diversify our products and services for all market segments, in line with our clients’ changing and evolving needs and to always be by their side, as a trustworthy financial partner for the Romanian customers. What are the most important moments on the Romanian market during these over two decades? We are here since late `90, more exactly...
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