The total area where vine for wine was grown in 2020 was 180,682.96 ha, according to data published by the National Statistics Institute (INS). “In 2020, the area where vine for wine grapes was grown was 180,682.96 ha. The area with grapes for noble wines represents 93.6% of the total area grown. The south-eastern area held 41.6% of the total area where vine was grown in the same year,” INS shows. The area with grapes of controlled origin are grown represented 20% of the area with noble grapes, including hybrid grapes and 18.7% of the total vineyard area. The area with GI wine grapes (geographic indication) represented 9.7% of the area with noble wine grapes and 9.1% of the total vineyard area. The south-eastern development area holds the biggest share for vineyards with wine grapes (41.6%), followed by south-west Oltenia (16.6%), south-Muntenia (15.5%), north-east (15.3%), north-west (4.2%), center (3.4%) and west (3.2%). For the area growing noble wine grapes, the south-eastern area holds the biggest share (41.4%), followed by south-west Oltenia (17.2%), south-Muntenia (16.4%), north-east (15.7%), north-west (4.3%), west (2.7%) and center (2.2%). For DOC wine grapes, the south-eastern area has the biggest share (42.8%), followed by north-east (16%), west (11.2%), center (10%), south-Muntenia (9.5%), south-western Oltenia (9%) and north-west (1.5%). For the area growing IG wine grapes, the south-east area has the biggest share (76.9%), followed by south-Muntenia (7.5%), north-west (5.5%), north-east (5.1%), south-west Oltenia (4.1%) and west (0.9%). The biggest shares of the areas where wine grapes are grown are held by 0.10-0.49 ha (37.4%) and at least 10 ha (31.4%).