Energy minister Virgil Popescu says that “the entire energy development strategy is thought for the passage from coal to natural gas”, and explained that after Romania will increase its capacities for natural gas extraction “there will be some reserve coal units for crisis situations.” “We must consider Romanian reality. Romania has four coal mines – I mean deep mines, because there are mines and there are quarries – there are four coal mines functioning at present, two of which are in closure procedure, according to the present law. We are having talks with the European Commission to extend the closure term until 2024. For the other two we assumed a phase out for 2030 plus two more years. These four mines are taking out coal with which Paroseni plant could function two or three days per week and produce electricity,” said Virgil Popescu at Realitatea Plus on Monday. As for the coal quarries from Oltenia Energy Complex, the minister explained there had been talks with company managers and the number of employees would grow by 600, in order to increase coal production. “Romania has gas in the Black Sea, it will not depend on Russian gas. The restructuring program is designed so that in 2016, when production capacities are ready for the passage from coal to gas, we will have the Black Sea gas for consumption. Obviously, there will be reserve coal units for crisis situations. The entire energy development strategy is thought for the passage from coal to natural gas. Obviously, renewable energy, nuclear energy, by consuming gas from our own domestic production, not based on imports,”the minister added.