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World Bank improves by 0.7pct Romania's economic growth forecast in 2017, up to 4.4pct

July 4, 2017
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APTIQ Communications: A new Initiative to Support Foreign Investors and Entrepreneurs in Integrated Communications

This aligns with APTIQ Global's goal of providing integrated business consulting services throughout the entire lifecycle of any company APTIQ Global announces the official launch of APTIQ Communications, the division dedicated to supporting foreign investors and entrepreneurs with integrated communications. This initiative aligns with APTIQ Global's...

Paris photography exhibition looks at Bucharest’s transformation over three decades

Bucarest – Trente Ans Après / Bucharest – Thirty Years Later, an exhibition of photography by Laure Hinckel, is scheduled to open at the Macadam Gallery in Paris this week. The exhibition, organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) in Paris, proposes “a visual dialogue about the transformation of Bucharest over three decades.” It includes […]

One World Romania: Documentary and human rights festival kicks off in Bucharest next week

More than 50 documentary films, including seven Romanian feature films, will be screened at this year's International Documentary and Human Rights Film Festival One World Romania. The event takes place between April 4 and April 13 at the Peasant Museum Cinema, Elvire Popesco Cinema, and Union Cinema in Bucharest. The festival has three main sections […]

Traffic: Film inspired by Rotterdam art heist carried out by Romanians wins top award at Sofia festival

Traffic (Jaful Secolului), a Romania-Belgium-Netherlands co-production directed by Belgian-Romanian director Teodora Ana Mihai from a screenplay by Romanian filmmaker Cristian Mungiu, has won the Balkan Film Award at the Sofia International Film Festival. The award was handed out by a jury consisting of Ukrainian director and screenwriter Roman Bondarchuk, Austrian producer Oliver Neumann, and Bulgarian […]

Pianist Richard Clayderman performs in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca this week

Famous French pianist Richard Clayderman is set to perform in Romania this week. One of the most successful pianists of all time, he will perform on March 25 at Sala Palatului in Bucharest and on March 29 at BT Arena in Cluj-Napoca.  "The Prince of Romance," as the renowned French pianist is called, will offer […]

Ranking of wealthiest presidential candidates in Romania unveils surprises

A ranking of the Romanian presidential candidates based on their wealth shows that the wealthiest ones in the running are the independents, while the candidates backed by parties fall to the bottom of the ranking. Villas and land in Romania and abroad, jewelry, paintings, luxury watches, bank accounts, and large incomes appear in the asset […]