Romania has provided military and humanitarian support to Ukraine, president Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on Tuesday in Bucharest."Romania has given us both military and humanitarian support. We are grateful for your solidarity," Zelenskyi said, according to the official translation.The Ukrainian leader thanked the Romanians "for the support and help given to Ukraine".Klaus Iohannis and Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed a political declaration on Tuesday, according to which the bilateral relationship is elevated to the level of strategic partnership.Zelenskyi stated that, according to the new coordinates, he discussed with his Romanian counterpart about the opening of new border crossing points, about the situation of national minorities and about accelerating the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 aircraft in the specialized center in Romania.The security situation at the Danube was also addressed. "Romania knows how dangerous Russian terrorism is," Zelenskyi added. The Ukrainian leader stated that he insisted, in the discussions with his Romanian counterpart regarding military assistance, on anti-aircraft systems. "I am very happy that Ukraine was heard by Romania," he added.The Ukrainian president said that Romania helped Ukraine in the most difficult moment in its history."I remember how warmly our people were welcomed here in Romania. Romania gave us both military and humanitarian support. We are grateful for your solidarity and we mention the fact that Romania helped Ukraine in the most difficult moment in our history," Zelenskyi said.Zelenskyi disclosed details related to the strategic partnership. "We discussed security in the Black Sea region, about supporting the peace formula, we talked about infrastructure, about the opening of new crossing points at the common border, we also talked about national minorities. It is a very important decision to train Ukrainian pilots in Romania. creates a training center for these pilots, and I talked with Mr. President how to speed up the training process so that the pilots trained here are among the first on the front," said the president of Ukraine.He also referred to the recent attacks on the Ukrainian ports on the Danube, which also affected the territory of Romania."It's a danger not only for our state, it's a danger for everyone. I assure you that Romania and Ukraine are security nodes, Romania is a guarantor country, of food security for the whole world. The ports on the Danube are used, they use the Romanian ports that provide the needs for other countries. Every Russian missile, every Russian drone that attacks our ports. We must do everything possible to defend these ports, so that Russia cannot turn the Danube or the Black Sea area into a dead zone," Zelenski also said.He also spoke about the trilateral cooperation between Ukraine - the Republic of Moldova - Romania and the fact that a grain transport corridor from Ukraine through the Republic of Moldova will soon be operational.In this context, he expressed his conviction that both Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova will become members of the European Union."It is very important that Romania supports this process. We are ready for the start of the accession negotiations to the European Union and Romania supports us," added the Ukrainian president.